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Utah Real Estate My License One Registration Walkthrough


Utah Real Estate Agents have a new license management system called My License One. They sent an email to all licensees with the instructions on how to register in the new system. I received the email on January 6, from the email address realestate@utah.gov. If you don't remember getting the email, search for that email address, or check your spam. To register in the new system, follow these steps: Goto https://idhelp.utah.gov/ Create a new account - Be sure to use the same Email that you used in the old system! *Don't know which email you used? Look for an [...]

Utah Real Estate My License One Registration Walkthrough2025-01-15T16:55:42-07:00

Utah REPC Updates August 2024 for Brokerage Compensation


This is Danny Naylor at the Institute of Real Estate Education. I've got an update for you. The Real Estate Purchase Contract approved by the Division of Real Estate in Utah has been updated over the weekend. This is a change that's going to affect all agents. This is the required form for agents to use if they're setting up an offer on a regular residential piece of property. And in part this is due to some of the changes that due to the NAR lawsuit. Most of the things we've talked about in recent videos have been NAR [...]

Utah REPC Updates August 2024 for Brokerage Compensation2024-08-19T18:39:46-06:00

Q&A about NAR Settlement for Utah Agents


You and your seller need to sign an addendum to your listing agreement, that complies with the new settlement, and refers to compensation sharing without the MLS. Use the new UAR form “ADDENDUM TO EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO SELL LISTING AGREEMENT & AGENCY DISCLOSURE” You and your byer need to sign an addendum to your listing agreement, that complies with the new settlement, and refers to the compensation sharing without the MLS. Use the new UAR form “ADDENDUM TO EXCLUSIVE BUYER BROKER AGREEMENT & AGENCY DISCLOSURE” Starting August 14th, use the new “EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO SELL LISTING AGREEMENT [...]

Q&A about NAR Settlement for Utah Agents2024-08-15T12:28:53-06:00

UAR Forms Summary for NAR Settlement


Hello, this is Danny Naylor with the Institute of Real Estate Education. I wanted to see if we can do in 10 minutes a quick summary of the changes to the Utah Association of Realtors new forms that they have implemented to comply with the NAR settlement that's happening. Those are implemented I think today, August 14th. I just wanted to go over them real briefly, hopefully a 10-minute overview so you can kind of see it in a nutshell, and then maybe we'll do another video where we cover more of the potential complications that might come up [...]

UAR Forms Summary for NAR Settlement2024-08-15T15:27:35-06:00

NAR Settlement for Utah Agents Summary


Here is a 10 minute summary of the NAR lawsuit and the new procedures that Agents need to do to hopefully kind of condense it down for a real quick, “here's what it means and here's what you do.” Here's the old way that we used to do commission sharing with Brokerages is we used to have the Seller's Broker and the Buyer's Broker agree that if they were members of the Multiple Listing Service that the Seller's Brokerage would offer a Buyer Agent commission to the Buyer's Brokerage and then any property that they sold through the [...]

NAR Settlement for Utah Agents Summary2024-08-14T18:34:12-06:00

Questions on Starting a Career as a Real Estate Agent?


Just got off the phone with someone who is considering a career in real estate. Is Real Estate Like Starting a Business? Their first question to me was about whether a real estate agent is like starting a business. The answer is Yes! Legally, real estate agents need to have a license from the state, and they need to affiliate with a Real Estate Broker and Brokerage in order to practice real estate. But most agents are independent contractors. That means they set their own hours, they prospect for their own clients, in all, a real estate agent gets [...]

Questions on Starting a Career as a Real Estate Agent?2024-05-08T18:22:59-06:00

Tips on How to Study for the Real Estate License Exam


The Utah Real Estate Sales Agent License Exam is hard.  It’s easy.  It’s tricky.  It’s straight forward. I’ve heard the exam described all of these ways and more.  The best preparation is, of course, to take a high quality course.  I would also suggest that you complete the course in a relatively short period of time.  Most students complete the pre-license course in 2-3 months, which is excellent, because all the information from the early classes is still fairly fresh in your mind. But once you’ve completed the course, and you are preparing to take the state exam, here [...]

Tips on How to Study for the Real Estate License Exam2024-04-10T17:55:33-06:00

What are the requirements to get a real estate license in Utah?


What does it take to become a real estate agent? Real estate is an exciting career opportunity, where you can work your own hours, see direct rewards for your work, and find satisfaction working with people to find homes that will serve them for years. In order to get your real estate license, you need to complete these requirements: Be an upstanding citizen Have a high school or equivalent education Complete the 120 hour Sales Agent Pre-License course Pass the License exam The Division will *likely not license anyone that has any felony in the last 5 years, or [...]

What are the requirements to get a real estate license in Utah?2024-04-10T16:51:07-06:00

How to Choose an Online Course?


You know you want to become an agent.  You know the advantages of online classes.  But how do you choose what online course to take?  What features should you look for in the course, and what should you look for from the school itself? There are many options for Online Real Estate Pre-License Courses There are a wide variety of courses available, from straight text and timer courses, to full video.  You want to make sure the information is presented in a way that is engaging, and understandable.  Text only courses, especially because of state time requirements, can be [...]

How to Choose an Online Course?2024-04-02T14:06:01-06:00

What to ask in addition to the pass rate?


Ask the right questions. A question we often hear from candidates for the sales agent pre-license course, is “What is your Pass Rate?” and even though our students perform 10 percent higher than the state on average, there are more important questions that candidates should be asking. Instead of asking about Pass Rates, a more valuable question is “What is your school going to do to help me succeed?”  And then get specific answers to how the classes are taught, what study materials are included with the class? Textbooks? PDF or Printed, or both? Reviews?  Audiobooks? Practice exams?  How [...]

What to ask in addition to the pass rate?2024-04-10T15:10:05-06:00